Publications by Konerding DE

Essential Grid Workflow Monitoring Elements
Gunter DK, Jackson KR, Konerding DE, Lee JR
Conference on Grid Computing and Applications 2005

An Essential Guide to the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool: BLAST by Ian Korf, Mark Yandell and Joseph Bledell
Briefings in Bioinformatics. March 2004, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 93-96(4)

Computational Structural Genomics of a Complete Minimal Organism.
Chandonia J-M, Konerding DE, Allen DG, Choi I, Yokota, H, Brenner SE.
Genome Informatics13: 390-391

NMR Structure of a Gemcitabine-Substituted Model Okazaki Fragment.
Konerding DE, Thomas L. James, Eric Trump, Ana Maria Soto, Luis A. Marky and William H. Gmeiner.
Biochemistry41(3): 839-846 Jan 22 2002.

The Ensemble/Legacy Chimera Extension: Standardized user and programmer interface to molecular ensemble data and legacy modeling programs.
Konerding DE.
Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium of Biocomputing 2000

Restrained molecular dynamics of solvated duplex DNA using the particle mesh Ewald method.
Konerding DE; Cheatham TE 3rd; Kollman PA; James TL.
Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 1999 Feb, 13(2):119-31.

Effect of cytarabine on the NMR structure of a model okazaki fragment from the SV40 genome.
Gmeiner WH; Konerding D; James TL.
Biochemistry, 1999 Jan 26, 38(4):1166-75.

VNC: cross-platform collaborative computing and remote display application.
Konerding DE.
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 1999 Apr, 17(2):151-4.

Shape-Selective Recognition of a Model Okazaki Fragment By Geometrically-Constrained Bis-Distamycin.
William H. Gmeiner, Wei Cui, David E. Konerding, Paul A. Keifer, Sanjay K. Sharma, Ana Maria Soto, Luis A. Marky, J. William Lown
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, Volume 17 Issue 3 (1999)